Our Story

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In 2014, I travelled to Sipaghat, Nepal from April to July. It turned out to be a heartwarming experience and I made lifetime friendships with the entire community. The villagers of Sipaghat welcomed me with warm arms and made their home feel like mine.


After the earthquakes of 2015, I fundraised to help them overcome the shocks of this terrible disaster. I raised over $10,000 to provide shelters, clean clothes, rubble removal services, phenol, filtered water pumps, and many supplies for our school to ensure the security of the children.


I created this nonprofit organization, Our Nepal Inc, in order to provide steady education and healthcare opportunities for everyone in Sipaghat and the many surrounding villages. I've realized throughout this journey that Sipaghat is everyone's home away from home and any help we receive is needed and appreciated by so many.


-Kerrie Savidge